In the legal world, they call what Trump’s lawyers did in Georgia “chipping away at the stone.” Whittle your opponents case down to nothing, one motion at a time. Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee tossed out two of 10 trumped up charges of election interference on Thursday. To Democrats, questioning the integrity and accuracy of a vote is illegal. Unless they do it. Hillary Clinton is still whining about 2016.
Georgia court sides with Trump
Judge Scott McAfee of Fulton County, Georgia, dismissed two of the most questionable criminal charges pending against Donald Trump. Eventually, the lawyers hope to get the rest trimmed away.
Questioning the validity of the 2020 outcome resulted in a whole slew of federal and state charges.
The Deep State picked Georgia to persecute Donald Trump for election interference at the state level because they have a really friendly prosecutor there. Fani Willis wants to burn Trump at the stake for something, even if they have to make up crimes especially for him.
On Thursday, September 12, McAfee ruled Willis “did not have the authority to bring the specific charges related to the alleged filing of false documents in federal court.”
For now, the rest of the case can move forward. That leaves lawyers on team Trump defending against eight of an original thirteen charges. Earlier this year, the same Georgia court ruled that three of the allegations “lacked detail.”
That’s because Willis and her conflict-of-interest lover, fellow prosecutor Nathan Wade, made them up off the top of their heads.

Prevailed once again
Trump lawyer Steven Sadow is thrilled with Thursday’s decision. “President Trump and his legal team in Georgia have prevailed once again.” Willis is trying to make a federal case out of things which aren’t even really crimes.
“Conspiracy to commit false documents and conspiracy to commit forgery.” Asking someone to recount the votes and test the voting machines for tampering is a “conspiracy” because it involves two people.
McAfee’s latest ruling declares that “the two dropped charges fell under federal jurisdiction, rather than under Georgia state law.”
That way he can avoid ruling on the merits of the charges themselves. That’s not his problem. Two of the Trump co-defendants were being persecuted on the same issue so their charges were tossed out, too.
The Georgia prosecution team is hoping a jury will believe that “Trump conspired with 18 other defendants to interfere in the election result.”
Their heinous crime was they “refused to accept that Trump lost, and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.” By holding a recount and only counting the legitimate ballots this time.