Fox News Getting BANNED… Dems Are Serious

Fox News
Photo Courtesy of Johnny Silvercloud via Creative Commons License
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Congressional Democrats found out the horror…

That would be that Fox News is popular among our troops.

So, what is their answer?

To try to restrict the viewing habits of troops when it comes to what news they can access.

No Fox News

Rep. Eric Swalwell, he of the Chinese spy fling, is leading the charge.

He stated, “I don’t want to get in the business of telling troops what they can and cannot watch.

“BUT, if you have a news station that a court is going to rule is, in its evening hour, you know, perpetuating dis- and misinformation, I don’t know if I disagree with VoteVets, who was saying that we need to take a look at, you know, how this is being broadcast to our troops.”

I cannot help but laugh at the absurdity of this when you consider all the stories that have been debunked on CNN and MSNBC.

Basically, Democrats now want to force-feed news to troops to only be what they want them to hear.

These are not children.

They are grown adults who are putting their life on the line for this country, so I think they can control the clicker.

This is all over Fox News’ Tucker Carlson releasing complete footage of the January 6 riot at the Capitol that has already debunked several Democrat narratives.

Joe Biden likes to say today’s GOP is not your father’s Republican Party.

Well, I could easily say the same about the Democrat Party, that takes a severe tilt toward communism with every passing day.

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Anthony Smith

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