Everyone Says This Is The Most Painful Traffic Stop Video They’ve Ever Witnessed

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I could never be a police officer. I’m just one of those people who while I think I have a decent level of patience with even the people I disagree with, people that just knowingly act stupid are where I draw the line.

I don’t think I would be able to be at the level of professionalism that I need to be in order to do that important job on a daily basis. I’d be telling too many people that they are idiots and need to start acting right.

Most of us never really come into contact with police while they are on the job. The majority of us go through life with years in between times when we are either pulled over or are giving a witness statement.

The last time I got pulled over was about five years ago. It was your typical taillight went out situation. Cop pulls me over, he tells me why, I go get the taillight fixed. End of story.

There are some folks thought that when a cop pulls them over they act like they are about to be arrested and shipped off to a penal colony in Siberia or something. Some people just don’t know how to play it cool.

Take for instance the case of Nicole Golomski. Recently, this “proud mom” got pulled over and the video that came out of it served as a ‘how not to act in public’ training course for people in countless situations.

I cannot imagine acting the way this woman acted when I knew that I had a camera pointed at me with the ability to be seen by anyone with at least one working eye.

Now, never mind the fact that she was pulled over for driving with a suspended license. Somehow she got it into her head that it was the cop that was the one at fault and that he was the one that needed to modify his behavior.

Everything that you’re not supposed to be doing in a car is being done in that car. No seatbelt, suspended license, reeking of booze at five-thirty in the morning.

This whole situation went on for what seemed like forever until they were able to finally get her to shut the heck up long enough to take her into custody.

Once we found this story originally, we began to look further and found out that Nicole has something in the neighborhood of sixty different traffic incidents where she has been pulled over. Certainly explains the license being suspended.

The police officer in this video definitely needs to be commended for his professionalism. I highly doubt that there are many of you reading this that would have been able to have been as calm and collected as he was.

About Post Author

Fred Wilson

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