Large Corporation Caught Bragging It Purposely Pays White Employees Less -Details-

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I have always been of the idea that if you have two people performing the same job at the same experience level, they should both be paid the same.

Man or woman, no matter the race, people of the same skill level should be paid the same.

You might not realize it, but even in the 21st century, there are still some companies and organizations that pay people differently based on the color of their skin.

Now, you might wonder with all of the rules and regulations in place regarding paying people proper wages how something like this can even happen.

Well, if there is one thing that I know about this world; it is that if someone makes a rule people immediately begin figuring out how to get around it.

Look at when we all rented VHS tapes back in the day. You got past the copy protection by putting a little piece of tape on the VHS cassette.

It’s the same way with just about every company in existence. Even companies that you would think might not have to resort to doing stuff like this. The ones that do it just because they can are the absolute worst.

Like Microsoft for example. Chances are if you are reading this right now, you are doing it using a device or through a service that has some kind of Microsoft software in it. Microsoft has basically become as ever-present in the American home as floors and ceilings.

But they are carrying with them an extremely shameful secret. They are paying employees at the same skill level and job differently based on race.

They’re paying white people less. Yes, for whatever reason Microsoft is paying minorities just a little bit more based on a principle that they call “pay equity”. If I was a white employee that worked for the corporation I would be pretty steamed at this.

I mean, what they fail to understand is that not every white person starts off life on second base thinking they hit a double. A good number of us had to start out from a pretty rough spot and work our way to where we are.

The mere idea that just because someone might be white they would get paid less to write a wrong that America is pretty much going to have to be apologizing for until the end of time is absolutely revolting.

You would think with the amount of money that Microsoft has on hand at any given moment that they would be able to pay everyone equally. Nope, instead they’re going to tell the less pigmented among their workforce that they get less. It’s shameful

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Fred Wilson

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