One year after the toxic rail disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, experts are getting the research grants they need to study the long term health effects of exposure to toxic chemicals. While that’s good news for local residents it’s even better news for millions of Americans. Until now, those who were exposed to toxins in similar fashion were marginalized and ostracized. That’s because the information made available to the medical profession for the past fifty years is mostly mis-information put out by the chemical industry.
Six research grants
The National Institutes of Health are funding six separate research grants to study the long term effects of toxic exposure to residents of East Palestine, Ohio and neighboring Beaver County, Pennsylvania. On February 16, Joe Biden finally kept his promise to visit the disaster site. He made the big announcement while there to mark the one year anniversary.
While everyone from administration officials to railroad executives are anxious to call the cleanup mostly complete and move on, local residents are worried that their medical complaints aren’t going to go away that easy. They have really good reason to believe that but the medical community isn’t prepared to help them in any way at all.
Following toxic exposures, vulnerable individuals, roughly 25 percent of the general public, develop an ongoing constellation of symptoms. What solid research there is on the subject clearly relates that rashes and other ailments from mental confusion to epileptic-like seizures gradually develop. The most common symptoms masquerade as everyday ailments, from flu to fibromyalgia, which the medical profession is trained to treat with medications.
Biden rolls out health research grants in first visit to East Palestine
— POLITICO (@politico) February 16, 2024
After a time, the patients can no longer tolerate the pills. That’s when they also start to realize that their symptoms get worse when they’re around things they’ve been around all their lives. Things like perfume, detergents, cleaners and disinfectants. Some are sensitive to exhaust fumes and petrochemicals. Each individual has a unique fingerprint of triggering substances and associated symptoms.
Once those affected realize the connection between their symptoms and the chemical compounds which trigger them, they believe they’re half way to recovery. That’s when they learn their doctor refuses to believe what they’re going through could even be possible. They soon learn they’re on their own.
That’s what happened to Stephen Paddock and he shot Las Vegas up over it. The “criminal minds” in the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit know that but they don’t want you to know that. The only known therapy is total avoidance of anything that triggers symptoms. That means a life of near total isolation. Even a brief trip inside a grocery store requires a “gas mask” type respirator for many, this author included. More research is desperately needed.
Case Western Reserve University
As Joe Biden mentioned, one of the six research grant recipients is Case Western Reserve University. They have already been on the job because they’re conveniently located near the disaster site.
The study they have already underway has been “gathering baseline data in the community to better understand the effects chemicals have on DNA over time.”
Back in April they asked for a “rapid response grant” to “look for signs of DNA damage that might be linked to illnesses like cardiovascular disease or cancer.” That should produce a lot of research overlapping with the studies into Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance.
NEWS: NIEHS + @NIH are pleased to announce funding for 6 grants to conduct health research and community engagement activities in East Palestine. Awardees include @cwru @TAMU @UCSanDiego @universityofky + @PittTweet
— NIEHS (@NIEHS) February 16, 2024
Case Western is building a database to track “those that might have symptomology, as well as those that were in proximal distance to the train derailment.” They need to watch those people closely for decades, to get the whole story. Personally, I was exposed around 1969, developed symptoms in the 70’s and became totally disabled by 2009, when I was finally diagnosed. Strict avoidance and over a decade of COVID-like quarantine have my symptoms in remission but the slightest exposure flares them up. Avoiding exposure totally is impossible in modern society.
While Case Western Reserve is looking for “signs of DNA damage that can be linked to exposure from chemicals released after the derailment,” the other research studies will focus in on other aspects.
Details haven’t yet been made available but any solid science directed at finding the truth and eliminating the suffering of millions of toxic exposure patients is a good thing. For once, some of our taxpayer money is being well spent on these long overdue research grants.