An Absolutely Livid Sheriff Sends Shock Message To Violent Criminals

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One of the things that has always boggled my mind over the years is the garbage that liberals have put forward when it comes to the hatred of police officers.

Aside from the one or two times I have been pulled over for speeding or a tail light, I have had nothing but amazing interactions with police. Even the times I was pulled over the officer was pleasant.

The liberal fascination with the hatred of cops breaks my heart sometimes. It makes me think of a time when my son was about twelve.

We were visiting family in Philadelphia, and he got really sick. We had to take him to the emergency room and we followed the instructions that our relatives wrote down.

The problem was, by the time we got out of the emergency room several hours later it was dark and we had lost the directions. And we had somehow forgotten our cell phones at their houses.

We got ourselves lost, and I mean about as lost as anyone could possibly get.

We drove into a McDonald’s parking lot and saw a police officer getting out of his car to grab something to eat. I asked him to tell us how to get back to the highway and he saw our out-of-state plates.

He led us with his squad car to where you get back on the highway. It was the nicest thing I had ever seen. The idea that people want to do harm to police officers like that just astounds me.

Which brings me to an Ohio sheriff named Richard Jones. Being a law enforcement officer will certainly make you sensitive to any kind of violence against police officers. This is why he made a post online that echoed his sentiments about violence against cops and is good general common sense.

The post said, in part, “if you shoot at us, expect us to shoot back”. It is something that you might think would be something that everyone would know.

However, with the number of officer assaults over the last couple of years, criminals have gotten expressly brazen thinking that the cops will hold back from using lethal force for fear of being sued by the families of the criminals.

We need more people like Sheriff Butler. Law enforcement officers who are willing to tell criminals how the game is going to be played.

Oftentimes, I think of how different our country would be if we had more people like Sheriff Butler. It would be an absolute hell for crooks and liberals. It would be heaven for people who don’t have their heads up their rears.

About Post Author

Fred Wilson

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